
How Serious Games Help You Learn

Learning by doing is one of the oldest ways that businesses, agencies and organizations train new staff and those promoting into new areas of responsibility. The problem with this traditional type of training is that it takes a lot of time, costs a lot of money and there will always be real world errors and mistakes that occur.  A much better way to teach and learn new material is through simulations and serious games that cut teaching time, decrease cost and protect both the company and the learner from the stress of real world mistakes during training.

Although online game playing may be seen as a fun and engaging type of learning experience, it is actually a very effective way to teach any type of process or specific procedure. By enacting the procedure or process online in a virtual world, the brain learns what to do and in what sequence. This type of cognitive learning via simulations and 3D serious games is one of the hallmarks of various types of flight training for both military and commercial pilots. These types of serious games and immersive learning simulations provide both short term measurable changes in performance, as well as very long term improvement and sustainability of the learned behavior.

Through the use of a variety of different possible outcomes based on learner choices, there is also a very effective multiple pathway learning option. Dynamic learning, which is based on real time decision making and possible outcomes, is highly effective in decision making and policy setting type of practice. However, for more specific process and procedure learning objectives, the learning pathway is one way or linear – very sequential and structured. This type of learning is important in field work as well as in logistical and management functions that include accuracy, accountability and ethical practices. Both types of learning are easy achieved through the models provided with digital game-based learning as opposed to traditional lectures and discussions.

The old style of learning that included reading text, possibly watching a video or listening to a lecture on the subject doesn’t have the immersion factor that training simulations and 3D serious games easily provide. The learners are engaged in the process, having fun and using the types of gaming technology that they already associate with relaxation, social learning and role playing. Unlike online gaming, serious games have a more structured approach with specific learning outcomes and goals. In addition, the game is controlled by well defined rules under which the learner operates in the simulation. The simulation also follows set rules which mirror the responses that the learner will see in the real world based on the respective decisions they make in the game.

Perhaps the most significant aspect of serious games and learner comfort has to do with the lack of stress on the learner during the exercise. There is no fear of making a catastrophic mistake or saying the wrong thing to a customer or client. Within the virtual, yet also private, serious game setting the learner can experiment and try out different options for responses without any fear of embarrassment. Since learners get the opportunity to discover why a choice is better or less effective, learning is much more complete and well developed from a theoretical as well as practical aspect.

How Can Scenario Based Training Be Used In Business?

Scenario based training, also known as serious games or synthetic learning environments, is the perfect training format for a wide range of topics within any type of business. Design companies that offer assistance in all aspects of developing highly effective serious games for business can really expand your training potential. They can also assist in creating a very comprehensive 3D game design software packages that meets all your needs.  To do this the firm you choose to work with should fully immerse themselves in your technology base and business so that the most realistic, accurate and authentic training scenarios are created. You don’t want a company that offers a one size fits all training simulation program; you want one created that is unique to your business and all that entails.

One of the major benefits to training new and existing staff using serious games and interactive programs is that they can literally mimic any software used in the company. Employees can become highly proficient on the simulated system, meaning no costly mistakes or downtime when they go live on your working software programs. Employees will be much more confident and can take time to explore details about the software or system that is all provided in the text, video or audio of the simulation.

Employees and managers alike can be trained in a variety of what are typically gray areas in most small and large companies. These can include the human resource policies on everything from managing paperwork, to dealing with the very serious issues of discrimination or sexual harassment. As the learners work through the scenarios they are provided with additional information and specific legal details, as well as the language and expectations for employees within company policy. Feedback from learners can continually help to develop these difficult topics, creating a very comprehensive scenario program that highlights the learning objectives specific to the topic.

Ethics training for managers, supervisors and employees is always difficult in standard types of trainings since it is impossible to actually recreate the dilemma or controversy. By using a real time 3D simulation, the learner experiences the ethical issues, which increases learning and forms a solid, automatic response to deal with the same issues when they occur in the business world.  Virtual CEO types of scenarios are ideal for higher management and deal with the very complex decisions these individuals have to complete every day.

However, it isn’t just abstract types of training that are ideally suited to simulations and serious games. Learning new technical skills and typical activities required on the job cuts down on time spent in costly on the job training programs. Skills such as repairs, electrical work, customer services, sales, operations, scheduling and following company policies are all perfectly matched for a high quality scenario based training program.

In business training, as with all other types of learning, it is important to find a company that can deliver on all aspects of the simulation. Look for a company that works with your training requirements, incorporates different and relevant learning objectives and coordinates their 3D games design software into your current Learning Management System.